
Showing posts from July, 2021

Keeping It In The Family is OUT NOW only on Ko-Fi or Smashwords.

Hey all, Just to let you know that my new book 'Keeping It In The Family' is now available only through Smashwords or my Ko-Fi page. Smashwords: Ko-Fi: Go check it out now! My next books will both be on Amazon, so don't worry - this one is just an outlier due to the 'near to the knuckle' content. More to follow soon!

A surprise for you all!

 Here's the surprise I mentioned the other week in my blog and tweets... 'Keeping it in the Family' won't be available on Amazon because of their strict content filters, but will be available THIS WEEK (as early as possibly tomorrow) on Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Kobo, Nook and iBooks. You can also buy a PDF copy direct from me from my Ko-Fi page, details of which I'll drop on my blog when it's live. Watch out for more news soon, including release dates for my next Cuckold Collection book and the final part of the Photographer's Secret Portfolio trilogy!

Access Denied - the forbidden chapters are now available!

My latest eBook, Access Denied, the fifth in the Cuckold Collection, had to undergo a major rewrite due to some of the content being deemed as too near to the knuckle for publication on Amazon. I managed to rework the book and we got there in the end but I felt the removed chapters were too much fun to leave on the cutting room floor. So... I licked them into shape, changing them from a midpoint sex scene to an epilogue piece which continues right from the end of the original book and I've published it on all the other eBook stores. Click the link above and choose your preferred store. It's only 99c for a 5,000 word long story which I promise will be worth the read! Of course, if you haven't read Access Denied yet, what are you waiting for! Click the images below for more information and keep an eye out for news on my next two books coming very soon! Regards, Paul