In today’s day and age, where equality and rights are at the forefront of so many movements across the world, and where people are gradually becoming more tolerant of sexuality, race and gender, why is our ‘liberal’ society still so judgemental about polygamous relationships? It’s drummed into us from a young age, that a ‘good’ relationship consists of two people, committed to each other and forsaking all others. The Bible specifically teaches us that a one man - one woman relationship is the godly way and that anything but that will incur God’s wrath. Our Christian marriage vows state this, promising to be faithful to each other until ‘death do us part’ but does ‘faithfulness’ really pertain to sexual exclusivity, or is it really just being worthy of the faith and trust that your partner puts in you? Wedding vows often had, until recently, the promise of one partner to ‘obey’ the other, which has been cut out by many, and of course, we’ve seen the extension of marriages to same-sex co...