Happy New Year

Wishing all of my readers a very happy New Year! It's been such an exciting 12 months, launching my publishing business, but it's been so successful that I've made plans to produce more and more books through the next year, while keeping up the high standards that I've set for myself, so hopefully you'll be seeing several new titles very soon - 2 in January, and 3 in February and March.

The next book is called... 'The Casting Call', and the books beyond that are tentatively titled 'The Blue Boudoir', 'An Independent Woman', 'The Hen Night,' and then in a departure from the norm, I'm working on one called 'How to Get Your Wife to Sleep With Other Men' which is a lot of fun to write, so far - it's part story, part autobiography and part instructional manual!

Once again, Happy New Year - May you be happy, healthy and prosperous in 2019 and whatever you're doing this evening, be safe!


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