Hospital Sucks

Hey everyone,

Just to keep you all informed that I had to cancel the Access Denied preorder due to being in hospital for all of June. The good news is that the book is done but won't meet the preorder deadline so I've instructed Amazon to do a full refund to all preorder customers and the book will simply appear for purchase on Amazon sometime around the expected date of June 14/15/16.

I'm out of hospital now after suffering from the past few months with what I thought was a recurring back issue but which ended up being undiagnosed kidney stones and a renal cyst.  I'm still in no small amount of discomfort but hopefully, I'm now through the worst and with a bit of rest and another round of antibiotics and some follow-up care, I should be absolutely fine in the not-too-distant future.

Apologies for the pre-order being pushed back and then cancelled but I hope you'll still buy the book when it comes out next week - and as partial recompense, it will be just £1.99 for the first few days of release.

Thanks to everyone who's supported me through the toughest bits and who have sent kind and encouraging comments - I hope you all enjoy Access Denied when it comes out!

Best wishes,



  1. Hi Paul, I hope that you are fine and I am waiting for "Access Denied".


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