Meet Bob

On Monday this week, we adopted a cat from a local rescue. He's quite nervous and jumpy at the moment, but he's settling in gradually. I'm hoping a new pet will bring us a bit of joy at home after the dreadful last few months me and my family have been through.

Say hi to Bob.

He's handsome, isn't he?

If you'd like to help us and Bob, feel free to buy him a treat from my Amazon Wishlist here: Bob's Wishlist

Anything you buy gets deleted from the list and is sent to me anonymously, so don't worry about buying the same thing someone else has bought or your details being shared.

I'd love it if anyone could help Bob settle in.

News on my new books coming soon - did you see my new logo on Twitter the other day?

If not, here it is.

What do you think? It should give you a hint as the content of my next book :)

Anyhow, just thought I'd keep you all updated. I hope you're all keeping well and avoiding the dread Covid (which I caught but am over now - almost.)


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