New Books Incoming!

So a silver lining to this enforced lockdown has been that I've had more time to write and work on future books and business projects and I've now got 10 new books that I'm working on and which will be coming out sometime this year as they're all in decent states of completion.

The 'Cerelean Erotica Presents' series is done at 6 books (for now) and No Angels series is coming to an end (for now) with book 6: Sarah's Shocking Secret, so I'm getting ready to move to a new rebrand for my books with a new look and 2 brand new series of books (also planned out for a 6 books each.)

My first new book isn't Sarah's Shocking Secret (that's a little further away than some of the others) but is instead the first of a new series called 'The Cuckold Collection' - a story which has gone through a couple of different iterations and working titles, namely 'A Matter of Inches' and 'Matters of Size.' However, I've settled on the more simply and straightforward title of 'Size Matters' - and I'll be revealing the cover tomorrow, with a bit of a luck.

The Cuckold Collection are aimed more at the 'cuckolded' aspect than most of my previous stories, dipping their toes into some areas of this lifestyle than I haven't previously explored. They're going to be longer than the Cerulean Erotica Presents stories, but not as lengthy as the No Angels series of books.

I already have the other five stories in the series drafted out and I can give you their working titles as a teaser. They are, in no particular order, 'Ex Appeal', 'Dark Curiosity', 'Cleaning Up', 'Access Denied' and 'Locked Away.' Can you guess the vague theme of each book?

Finally, my new bigger series to replace the No Angels novels in terms of my longer and more fleshed-out stories, is going to be called 'How To Get Your Wife To Sleep With Other Men' and will be unique in that it will be based around a single location; 'The Azure View Hotel Resort and Spa' and will feature a recurring set of characters including the resort's owner, Dennis Webb, an entrepreneur who had the idea of building a unique tourist hotspot where 'wannabe' cuckold husbands could bring their wives to be seduced. Each story will include a new couple of main characters and will explore how Daniel intends to see their fantasy through using his ingenuity and the resort's specialist locations designed especially for the task. The series will expand on Dennis's own story arc as it develops along with the other recurring characters and should be read in chronological order, unlike my previous stories.

I can't wait to complete the two books I'm currently working on so that you can read them, and I'm incredibly excited for you to read the new works that I have planned out.

I'd love any feedback anyone can offer on my ideas moving forward and if there's anything in particular you'd love me to write about, let me know and I might just include your ideas.

I hope you're all keeping well through this pandemic, wherever you are - thanks for reading this blog, thanks for reading my books and please stay safe!


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