My new cover reveal and an update

It's been a very bad month for me and my family, beset by several tragedies, the worst being a family close to us all passing away in tragic circumstances, then I've had a bout of ill health, followed by our little cat passing away. To top it all off, I've caught Covid and am currently working from my bed, coughing and spluttering but managing to power through.

So, it makes me happy to reveal the cover of my next book... Hannah's Helping Hands.

This book is slightly different to some of my previous stories, being a 'coming of age' type story with a naughty, slightly kinky twist to it. I hope you like it.

It's available already on Smashwords and will be on Amazon from October 21 at the latest. Keep an eye out for it.

If anyone wants to cheer me or family up, check out my Amazon Wishlist and feel free to buy me or my daughters a little gift but if not, don't worry - your support by buying my books is appreciated too.


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